Tuesday, June 09, 2009

#729 - Gym, finally!!


As you can read at my second to last previous entry, I had a plan to hit the gym this month. Well, I think working out is important for me now. The time is perfect: I'm now in a long holiday, so, working out can be one regular activity in this holiday. Beside, it's good for my health.

Yesterday, this plan started to be executed!! YEAHH!!! Taking the first step is always the hardest thing and I already did that for this activity. Good!! I plan to go to they gym as frequent as possible. Since now I still has the passion and urge (the laziness is not in my dictionary for me these days), I must take this chance! (I hope I can go to the gym at least 5/7, 7/7 will be better! :D)

Anyway, nothing else than that was really interesting. It's just that this afternoon I bought a t-shirt for working out. I bought an adid*s one. Actually it's designed for tennis but I think it's fine, haha. Actually I wanted another model, the one Verdasco wore during the first half of this season (look at the picture), but it was sold out. There was only 1 item, it was white, and too small for me, damnit!! Therefore I bought another model (picture below)

::: Soto Kudus

::: Nasi Pindang Kudus

::: swikee kuah I had Sunday morning.

::: Popeye Yamin. Yes, this picture is not edited (beside the tag). The noodle was GREEN!! Because it was made of spinach, but it didn't taste like spinach at all tho.

::: soto sawah

::: Fernando Verdasco at Australian Open. I actually (still) want the t-shirt he wore here, haha... . Picture taken from here.

::: I bought this one, because the t-shirt above was sold out. Picture taken from here.


Seperti yang bisa dibaca pada posting kedua terakhir sebelum ini, aku ada rencana untk pergi ke gym bulan ini. Hmm, menurutku sih fitness adalah hal yang penting untukku sekarang. Di samping itu, waktunya juga tepat banget: Aku lagi berada pada libur panjang, maka fitness bisa menjadi satu aktivitas reguler di liburan ini. Di samping itu bagus untuk kesehatan juga.

Kemarin, rencana ini akhirnya mulai dijalankan juga!! YEAHH!! Melangkah pertama kali adalah yang paling sulit dilakukan dan itu sudah terlewati untuk aktivitas ini. Baguslah!! Aku berencana fitnes sesering mungkin ah. Mumpung sekarang sedang ada semangat dan niat (kemalasan tidak ada dalam kamusku saat ini), makanya harus dimanfaatkan kan! (mudah2an sih bisa setidaknya 5/7 ato tiap hari deh kalo bisa! :D)

Ngomong2, nggak ada yang spesial selain itu yang terjadi sih. Cuma siang tadi aku beli t-shirt untuk fitnes aja. Aku beli yang adid*s. Sebenernya didisain untuk tenis tapi biarlah, rasanya gapapa, haha. Sebenernya aku maunya model lain, yaitu yang dipakai Fernando Verdasco sepanjang awal musim tahun ini (lihat gamabr di atas), cuma ternyata sudah habis. Hanya tersisa 1 barang aja, yang warnanya putih dan kekecilan untuk aku, sial!! Makanya aku beli yang model lain deh (liat gambar juga).

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