Saturday, February 28, 2009

#676 - End of February


Well, now we are in the end of this second month of 2009. Today is actually an off day for normal college students in Unpar since today is the graduation day. However, I still had to go to my campus to have a discussion with my lecturer about my thesis, hmmm... . Of course I also came to the graduation lunch since some friends graduated today, hehehe... . Looking at them, hmm, next year I will be on their positions. So exciting, but before that, I have a lot to go thru with hardwork.

Anyway, about the second week of American Idol, apparently my guess here was 100% correct. Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen, and Adam Lambert made it to the top 12!! hahaha... . For the wildcard for this group, I hope Jasmine Murray and Megan Corkrey will get the second chance, hmmm

::: Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver, and Danny Gokey, three contestants from group 1 who made it to the top 12 last week.

::: Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen, and Adam Lambert, three contestants from group 2 who made it to the top 12 this week.

note : all photos of American Idol are taken from the official website


Hmm, sekarang kita sudah berada di penghujung bulan kedua dari tahun 2009. Hari ini sih sebenarnya adalah hari libur loh untuk mahasiswa umum Unpar soalnya kan sekarang tuh hari wisudaan. Namun, aku tetap harus ke kampus tadi untuk bimbingan tugas akhir sama dosen pembimbingku, hmmm... . Tentu saja sih sekalian ke acara makan siang wisudaannya soalnya beberapa teman kan wisuda hari ini, hehehe... . Melihat mereka, hmm, tahun depan aku akan berada di posisi mereka neh. Kayanya akan asik banget, tapi untuk sampai kesana aku harus melewati banyak hal dengan kerja keras dulu neh.

Ngomong2, tentang minggu kedua dari American Idol, ternyata tebakanku disini 100% benar loh. Allison Iraheta, Kris Allen, dan Adam Lambert masuk ke 12 besar!! hahaha... . Untuk wildcard dari grup ini, mudah2an Jasmine Murray dan Megan Corkrey mendapat kesempatan kedua deh, hmmm

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