Tuesday, November 25, 2008

#626 - Tuesday (25/11)


Here we go, another week, hmmm... . I just had a 4.5 hours sleep last night and I got my first lecture at 7 AM. Then at about 8.10 AM the lecture ended. After having breakfast I went back home and continued my few sleep for 3 hours, wahahaha... . At 2 PM I had my other lecture which surprisingly went to quick, only about 40 minutes because of a computer virus (my friend gotta do a presentation but because of that virus, the data couldn't be transfered). That was the quickest lecture ever, LOL.

At 5 PM my friends and I hanged out. At first we wanted to take the photo we took last Saturday. However, since it was so full at that time so we decided to have dinner first. We first had dinner at Mie Jogja. Well, it was okay, pretty tasty but I still prefer the Mie Jawa in Jogja tho, hehehe... :) But for sure it's better than the Mie Jawa I ate at Bandung this time. Then we went back to the photo studio and took the photo. After that we went to Cibadak to have dinner again, waaa!! hahaha... :) This time we ate seafood, which were fried calamaris and oystered sauced oysters. Then we went back home.

::: Beef Mie Kuah (Godhog)

::: our meal at the seafood restaurant.


Ini dia, minggu yang baru, hmmm... . Aku kan semalam cuma tidur selama 4,5 jam tuh dan aku ada kuliah pertama jam 7 pagi. Trus jam 8.10an pagi gitu kuliahnya uda beres. Habis sarapan aku balik dan melanjutkan tidur deh selama 3 jam, wahahaha... . Jam 2 siang aku ada kuliah lain yang ternyata berlangsung amat cepat, masa cuma 40 menit tuh karena sebuah virus komputer (temenku ada yang harusnya presentasi tetapi karena virus itu, datanya kaga bisa dipindahin). Itu adalah kuliah itu tercepat kayanya, LOL.

Jam 5 sore aku sama temen2ku jalan2 de. Pertamanya mau ambil foto yang diambil Sabtu kemarin. Namun, karena lagi rame banget jam segitu makanya kita memutuskan untuk makan dulu deh. Pertamanya kita makan di Mie Jogja. Hmm, lumayan sih, lumayan enak juga walau masih enakan yang Mie Jawa yang di Jogja sih, hehehe... :) Tapi jelas jauh lebih enak daripada Mie Jawa yang aku makan di Bandung pada waktu ini. Trus kita balik ke studio fotonya dan ngambil fotonya tuh. Trus habis itu ke Cibadak dan makan lagi de, waaa!! Kali ini makannya seafood deh, yaitu cumi goreng sama kerang ijo saus tiram. Trus balik de.

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