Thursday, August 07, 2008

#570 - East Java Vacation (Part 1: Malang)


Finally now I can write about my trip to East Java last week, hahaha... ;) O yea, before that, today is exactly 2 years I have been in Bandung. Time really flies, so fast

Day 1 (Wednesday, 30th July 2008)

We departed at 5.45 AM from Yogyakarta. Of course, I drove the car. At about 7 AM we arrived at Solo and ate nasi liwet as breakfast there. Then we continued our trip. At about 10.45 AM we arrived at Nganjuk and had lunch at Nirwana Restaurant. Because of our good experience this time, so when we passed Kediri, we stopped by at "Sate Ayam Pak Siboen", hahaha... ;) After that we continued our trip to Malang. At about 3 PM we arrived at Malang. O yea, as my meter said, I drove 352 km that day from Yogyakarta to Malang, LOL.

Later that afternoon, we went to Bakso Cak Gondhol. We were lost at first but finally found it, hahaha... . Then we went to the new mall at Malang. I think the mall is pretty good (but of course no compare to malls in Bandung or Jakarta, LOL) but the tenant mix is still poor. Some not so 'good' tenants are placed in strategic place (can you imagine when you enter a supposed to be glamorous mall you see a stand selling "stoves' stuffs"? LOL). Then we left the mall at abut 7.45 PM and had dinner at Soto Lombok. After that we went back to our hotel.

Day 2 (Thursday, 31st July 2008)

We left the hotel at around 9 AM, then we had breakfast at Soto Rampal. After that we went to Dinoyo to look for local clay pots there. After getting lost one time, finally we found the potmakers village, hahaha... . Unfortunately my parents didn't find what they were looking for. Suddenly it was lunch time and we had lunch at Mie Sawahan. Before that we tried to find Soponyono first to buy gifts (from sweet potatoes). After getting lost several times finally we found it, LOL.

After that we dropped my dad back at the hotel and my mom and I went to the new mall again. Four hours later, we went back to our hotel. Later that evening we had dinner at Bakso Cak Man. Well, I think Bakso Cak Gondhol was still more tasty... ;)

to be continued........

::: nasi liwet at Solo

::: "Sate Ayam Pak Siboen"

::: Bakso Cak Gondhol (Bakwan Malang)

::: Soto Lombok

::: Soto Rampal

::: Mie Sawahan

::: inside the new mall

::: Bakso Cak Man


Akhirnya aku sekarang bisa menulis mengenai perjalananku ke Jawa Timur minggu lalu, hahaha... ;) O iya, sebelumnya, hari ini tepat 2 tahun loh aku pindah ke Bandung, hahaha... :) Waktu benar2 cepat yah, ga kerasa.

Hari 1 (Rabu, 30 Juli 2008)

Kita berangkat jam 5.45 pagi dari Yogyakarta. Tentu saja aku dah yang nyetir mobil. Sekitar jam 7 pagi kita tiba di Solo dan makan nasi liwet sebagai sarapan. Trus kita melanjutkan perjalanan kita. Sekitar jam 10.45 gitu kita sampai di Nganjuk dan makan siang di Restoran Nirwana. Karena pengalaman baik pada waktu ini, jadi ketika melewati Kediri, kita juga mampir di "Sate Ayam Pak Siboen", hahaha... ;) Habis itu baru dah lanjut ke Malang. Sekitar jam 3 sampai dah di Malang. Oya, seperti hasil di penghitung di mobil, aku nyetir sejauh 352 km loh hari itu dari Yogyakarta ke Malang, LOL

Sorenya, kita pergi ke Bakso Cak Gondhol. Kita pertama kesasar tapi akhirnya berhasil menemukannya, hahaha... . Trus kita pergi ke sebuah mall yang baru di Malang. Aku rasa mall-nya lumayan juga (ya tentu saja masih nggak bisa dibandingin lah sama mall-mall di Bandung atau Jakarta lah, LOL) tetapi tenant mix nya menurutku parah sekali. Beberapa tenant yang nggak terlalu 'ok' koq malah menempati tempat-tempat strategis (misalnya ni masa ada tenant yg ditulis di papan namanya jualan "alat-alat kompor" dan lokasinya strategis tu kelihatan dari pintu masuk utama. LOL. Nggak kelihatan 'wah' duluan lah jadinya mall-nya). Trus kita meninggalkan mall-nya jam 7.45 malam an kemudian makan malam di Soto Lombok. Habis itu kita balik ke hotel.

Hari 2 (Kamis, 31 Juli 2008)

Kita meninggalkan hotel sekitar jam 9 pagi, trus makan pagi di Soto Rampal. Habis itu kita pergi ke Dinoyo untuk mencari pot tanah liat lokal disana. Habis kesasar sekali akhirnya ketemu juga deh desa tempat pembuat pot nya, hahaha... . Sayangnya ortuku ga nemuin apa yang mereka cari. Eh, tau-tau udah waktunya makan siang dan makan siang lah kita di Mie Sawahan. Sebelumnya kami mencari Soponyono dulu untuk membeli oleh2 (singkong). Habis kesasar beberapa kali akhirnya ketemu lah tu tempat, susah amat nyarinya, LOL.

Habis itu kita nurunin papaku di hotel sementara aku dan mamaku pergi ke mall nya lagi. Empat jam kemudian baru dah balik ke hotel. Sorenya kita makan malam di Bakso Cak Man. Aku rasa masih lebih enakan Bakso Cak Gondhol dah... ;)


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