Monday, July 21, 2008

#562 - Sunday & Monday


Last Sunday just as usual, in the morning my family and I went to the church. After the mass liturgy ended at 8 AM we had breakfast at Soto Kridosono. Then, later in the afternoon my parents and I went to Lie Djiong Restaurant (a chinese food restaurant) to have lunch there. I really like Lie Djiong's menus, hahaha.... ;) We ordered crab pu yung hai, bong ja kee, 'kamar bola' (balls' room), and butter sauce pigeons. Hehehe... ;)

After that, at 3.30 PM I hung out with my friends. We went karyokeing. Well, not to the same place as this time, but another one which we thought was a bit more expensive (plus, yesterday was Sunday, so we expected to spend a bit more). Then, when the bill came, it surprised us. It was even CHEAPER than the first karyoke center I had 2.5 weeks ago (2.5 weeks ago I (with other friends) went karyoke-ing on Tuesday, a weekday)!! Wah!!! That's cool!! It was Sunday and it was cheaper than the other place. The karyoke place we went to yesterday was better, more cozy, cleaner, no smokes, etc... ;) hahaha... . Then we had dinner at Kona. There were several funny things that happened, hahaha... . I'll keep those for later I think.

Well, tomorrow I'm going back to Bandung catching Argo Wilis Express. Well, I'm so exhausted to go back and forth between Yogyakarta and Bandung always catching trains. So, since next Thursday I'm going back to Yogyakarta, I really want to catch a flight from Jakarta first. The problem is that the ticket fare, I also don't want to spend too much money on ticket, hehe... ;) Finally, today I got Mandala's Promo Fare: Rp 353,200.oo and I took it. Anyway, it's kinda funny. It's not really clear on the pic below but actually the ticket fare (base fare) is Rp 90,909.oo but the tax and other fees costs Rp 262,291.oo, wkwkwkwkw.... LOL. Tax and Fees costs MORE than the ticket fare!! haha... :) Anyway, I don't really care though.

One other thing also excites me: The flight I'm gonna catch will operate Airbus A320. Well, it might sound corny but I'm so excited since I have never caught this type of aircraft yet before, LOL. (I have ever caught Fokker 70, MD 82, Boeing 737-200, 737-300, 737-400, 777-200, 777-300, Airbus A300)

::: Soto Kridosono

::: our meal at Lie Djiong Restaurant (crab pu yung hai (upper), butter sauce pigeons (middle), kamar bola (below))

::: my meal at Kona (bulgogi)

::: Soto Sawah I ate this afternoon

::: one spot near Soto Sawah. You can see a train passing!! :)

::: my Mandala ticket

::: martabak I bought this evening


Minggu kemarin kayak biasanya, pagi hari aku sama keluarga kan ke gereja. Habis misa kita makan pagi di Soto Kridosono. Trus siangnya aku sama orang tua ku makan siang di Restoran Lie Djiong (restoran chinese food gitu deh) untuk makan siang disana. Aku suka masakannya Lie Djiong neh, hahaha.... ;) Kita pesan pu yung hai kepiting, bong ja kee, kamar bola, dan burung dara saus mentega. Hehehe... ;)

Habis itu jam 3.30 sore aku jalan2 sama temen2ku. Kita karaoke-an dah. Hmm, nggak di tempat yang sama seperti waktu ini sih, tapi di tempat lain yang kita kira akan lebih mahal (ditambah lagi kan kemarin Minggu, jadinya ya udah siap2 keluar duit lebih banyak deh). Trus waktu bill-nya datang, benar2 mengejutkan kami. Bahkan harganya LEBIH MURAH dari yang tempat karaoke yang aku datangi 2,5 minggu lalu (2,5 minggu lalu aku (bersama temen2ku yg lain) karaoke-an di Hari Selasa, bukan wiken kan)!! Wah!! Keren dah!! Padahal Hari Minggu dan lebih murah dari tempat satunya. Padahal tempat karaokenya lebih bagus, lebih nyaman, lebih bersih, dan nggak ada asap rokoknya, hahaha... . Trus kita makan malam di Kona. Ada beberapa hal lucu yang terjadi loh, hahaha... . Aku simpan untuk nanti aja deh.

Hmm, besok aku akan balik ke Bandung naik Kereta Ekspres Argo Wilis. Hmm, aku kecapekan juga ni bolak-balik Ypgyakarta - Bandung naik kereta terus. Makanya kan besok Kamis aku udah balik ke Yogyakarta lagi tuh, aku beneran mau naik pesawat aja ah dari Jakarta. Masalahnya cuma tinggal harga tiket. Aku kan nggak mau juga ngeluarin duit terlalu banyak cuma buat beli tiket, hehe... ;) Akhirnya tadi aku dapat tiketnya Mandala yang promo: Rp 353.200,oo dan aku ambil aja. Ngomong2, lucu juga lho. Nggak keliatan jelas di gambar tapi harga dasar tiketnya kan Rp 90.909,oo tuh dan harga pajak dan biaya lain adalah Rp 262.291,oo, wkwkwkwkwkw... LOL. Pajak dan Biaya lain koq malah LEBIH MAHAL dari harga dasar tiketnya!! haha... :) Ngomong2, nggak ngurus ah masalah itu.

Satu hal lain yang bikin aku senang banget: Penerbangan yang akan aku naiki itu akan mengoperasikan pesawat Airbus A320 loh. Hmm, mungkin kedengaran norak tapi ya aku senang aja soale kan aku belum pernah naik pesawat tipe ini sebelumnya, LOL. (yg pernah aku naikin: Fokker 70, MD 82, Boeing 737-200, 737-300, 737-400, 777-200, 777-300, Airbus A300).

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