Tuesday, July 15, 2008

#559 - Two Offers


Finally, today I get back to Yogyakarta, hahaha... . This morning I caught Argo Wilis Express which departed at 7 AM. Anyway, trains now are getting slower!! Damn!! They don't get any better!! :( Usually Argo Wilis Express arrived at about 1.45 PM at Yogyakarta but today it arrived at 2.20 PM! :(

Anyway, as I already said at this previous entry, I got a very interesting offer. In fact, up until now I have got THREE very interesting offers!! hahaha... ;) I think I gotta let 2 of them go tho due to scheduling problem.

First Offer: I got an offer to join Asian Science Camp at Bali this August. I just need to pay for the transport fee and that's it. All the accommodation there (5 stars hotel for one week, meals, etc) are paid by the officials!! hahaha... ;) That's super interesting right?? Eventho the program is all about Physics (and I actually a bit am not really in to it) but I'm still interested since of course math is still gonnabe used, hahaha. Beside, all people all over Asia will be there. However, there is one big problem. The program will be held from 3rd August to 9th August while from 3rd to 5th August, I gotta go on a 'Programs Meeting' for the Student Union this period. Damn. hmmmm....

Second Offer: Yesterday I got an offer to TEACH at campus next semester. Wuaaa!! That's so exciting!! hahaha... . Well, of course it was not gonnabe the main classes but Assistance Classes (extra compulsory classes for the exercises about the materials). Hmmm!!! At first I hesitated since next semester my schedule is gonnabe full. But I think I can't miss this one. This one is too big (and too good) to be missed! So this evening I called my lecture saying I'm ready for that. However, apparently there is a requirement that I have to have completed at least 100 credits while up to now I have only completed 87 credits. Hmmm, okay, so I probably will start teaching the next next semester, hahaha... . (that's even great since my schedule next semester is gonnabe so full).

Third Offer: I can't say anything about it yet... ;)


::: Argo Wilis was ready on Bandung Railway Station's Platform 1

::: A Rice Field (near Gombong)


Akhirnya hari ini aku balik ke Yogyakarta neh, hahaha... . Pagi tadi aku naik Kereta Api Ekspres Argo Wilis yang berangkat jam 7 pagi. Ngomong2, kereta sekarang makin lelet sih, payah!! Mereka nggak tambah oke malah tambah payah!! :( Biasanya Argo Wilis udah nyampe Jogja jam 1.45an eh tadi baru nyampe jam 2.20 siang! :(

Ngomong2, seperti yang pernah aku tulis di posting lalu ini, aku mendapat sebuah penawaran sangat menarik. Malah kenyataannya, sampe sekarang aku udah mendapat TIGA tawaran sangat menarik!! hahaha... ;) Sayangnya karena masalah jadwal, aku mesti menolak 2 di antaranya deh.

Tawaran Pertama: Aku dapat tawaran untuk ikutan Asian Science Camp di Bali Agustus ini. Aku cuma harus membayar biaya transport-nya doang dan itu aja. Semua biaya akomodasi (hotel bintang 5 selama seminggu, makan, dll) udah ditanggung sama panitia!! hahaha... ;) Benar2 menarik kan?? Walau program ini intinya tentang Fisika (dan aku sejujurnya agak nggak terlalu 'in' ke bidang ini) tapi ya aku tetap tertarik banget soalnya tetap aja kan masih akan ada matematikanya, hahaha. Di samping itu, semua orang dari Asia juga akan hadir disana. Namun, ada satu masalah besar. Acara ini akan diadakan dari tanggal 3 Agustus sampe 9 Agustus padahal dari tanggal 3 Agustus sampe 5 Agustus aku ada 'Rapat Kerja' neh untuk Himpunan periode ini. Sial. hmmmm....

Tawaran Kedua: Kemarin aku dapat tawaran untuk MENGAJAR di kampus semester depan. Wuaaa!!! Menarik sekali dah!! hahaha... . Hmm, tentu saja aku nggak akan ngajar kelas utamanya tapi akan mengajar Kelas Responsi (kelas tambahan wajib untuk latihan gitu deh tentang materi-nya). Hmmm!! Pertamanya aku ragu lho soale semester depan jadwalku akan padat. Namun aku pikir2 lagi kayanya aku nggak boleh melewatkan kesempatan ini deh. Kesempatan ini terlalu besar (dan bagus) untuk dilewatkan! Jadi sore tadi aku telpon dosen saya dan ngomong aku siap. Eh ternyata ada persyaratan harus udah lulus 100 sks padahal aku sampe kemarin baru udah ambil 87 sks. Hmmm, ya udah deh nggak papa paling baru mulai ngajar semester depan nya lagi, hahaha.... . (malah bagus tu soalnya jadwal semester besok kan penuh).

Tawaran Ketiga: Masih belum bisa aku tulis nih... ;)


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