Thursday, February 21, 2008

#485 - American Idol 7, starting point


Finally this week American Idol 7 starts with the top 24 performances, hehe... :) Overall, well, noone was very outstanding for me, hmmm... . Honestly, noone was just as great as LaKisha Jones when she was on the top 24 last season singing "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going". At that time she was great (twas even her best performance).

However, this season some contestants are actually really great but they just didn't really bring it on, probably because of the theme (60s, hmmm). Overall, I think the boys and the girls are somewhat even (not like last year where the gals were far better than the guys). The gals this season so far are still better than the boys tho, but not that 'far', hehe... ;)

Top 12 Boys

The two best performances were David Archuleta's and Michael Johns' (for me). Some other contestants were overrated I think, named Danny Noriega and Jason Castro. Hmmmm.... .

Who I think will be going home? I guess the two contestants who are gonnabe eliminated this week are Robbie Carrico and Luke Mennard, hmmm... .

Top 12 Gals

I think the best two performances were Ramiele Malubay's and Syesha Mercado's. Some other were also good, named Carly Smithson (Simon was rite, she had a lil' trouble with her miking, I dunno why Randy didn't agree with Simon on that. Once during her performance she pulled it too far...), Brooke White, and Alaina Whitaker. About Asia'h Epperson's performance, I dunno why but I think twas a bit overrated, hmmm, she's good tho.

I think the bottom two gals will be Amy Davis and Kristy Lee Cook (wah, Kristy is actually pretty, haha... :D)

::: David Archuleta

::: Michael Johns

::: Ramiele Malubay

::: Syesha Mercado


Akhirnya minggu ini American Idol 7 mulai juga dengan penampilan dari 24 besar, hehe... :) Secara keseluruhan sih nggak ada yang bener2 memukai deh, hmmm... . Jujur nih, nggak ada yang sememukau LaKisha Jones waktu dia di top 24 musim lalu nyanyiin "And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going". Pada waktu itu dia bener2 oke banget deh (malah penampilan terbaiknya tuh).

Namun, musim ini sebenernya beberapa kontestan bagus sih, cuma nggak maksimal aja deh nyanyinya, mungkin karena temanya kali yah (lagi tahun 60an, hmmmm). Secara keseluruhan sih menurutku yang laki2 sama perempuan agak seimbang deh (ga kaya tahun lalu dimana yang perempuan jauh lebih baik dari yang laki2). Yang perempuan musim ini sejauh ini lebih bagus sih dari yang cowo, tp ga 'sejauh' itu, hehe... ;)

Top 12 Laki2

Dua penampilan terbaik menurutku penampilannya David Archuleta sama Michael Johns deh (untuk saya). Beberapa kontestan lain sih dinilai terlalu bagus tuh, mislnya Danny Noriega dan Jason Castro. Hmmmmm.... .

Siapa menurutku yang akan tereliminasi? Aku kalo nebak sih kayanya ya Robbie Carrico sama Luke Mennard deh, hmmmm... .

Top 12 Perempuan

Aku rasa dua penampilan terbaik adalah Ramiele Malubay dan Syesha Mercado tuh. Beberapa yang lain bagus juga, misalnya Carly Smithson (Simon bener deh, ada dikit masalah sama teknik miking-nya dia, gatau kenapa koq Randy ga setuju sama Simon. Sekali di penampilannya mike-nya ditarik agak kejauhan tuh, akibatnya suaranya 'hilang'...), Brooke White, dan Alaina Whitaker. Tentang penampilan Asia'h Epperson, gatau napa tapi kayanya agak terlalu berlebihan deh komentarnya, hmmm, tapi sebenernya lumayan juga sih dia.

Aku rasa dua terbawahnya adalah Amy Davis dan Kristy Lee Cook (ah, tapi Kristy cantik sih, hehe... :D)

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