Wednesday, April 11, 2007

#322 - Wednesday Story


This Wednesday, one again, has been an ordinary lecture-day for me. My first lecture started at 9 AM and finished at 10.30 AM. Then, my friends and I had lunch at FISIP Canteen (well, I actually didn't have lunch since I was still full after having breakfast at 8.55 AM earlier today). Right after that, we went to my boarding house to study do some assignments. I worked on my lay-out assignment for BTS this week. But in the end, we played cards, wakakakakaka... lol

At 3 PM, we walked to our campus to have our second lecture, Second Calculus. Apparently, there was a QUIZ!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH..... . There were 4 questions, and I think I did the first one pretty well. The second one was actually so simple (using chain rule (implicit derivative)), but at first I thought too complicated!! I wasted my previous 30 minutes to solve the question and ended up with nothing. Well, my progress wasn't wrong, but too complicated and long. But in the last 5 minutes, I realized the shortest and easier way to solve it!! Arrggghhh... .

It was like I want to go to Jakarta from Bandung, where I actually can take the highway and arrive at Jakarta so quick and easy, but then I took the other way to Cirebon first and got lost there!! Arrrgggghhhh.... . Luckily, my long progress wasn't really wasting my time since it also solved the third question half-way and I only needed to check and change some things. But because I wasted TOO much time, I didn't have the time to think at the last question!! Arrrgggghhhhh....

Ah, whateva!!

Btw, last MOnday I watched the ninth leg of The Amazing Race 11. All 5 teams left Poland and went to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Charla&Mirna were so smart in managing flights and they arrived first at KL (via Warsaw and Vienna), reversely, Uchenna&Joyce took a risky flight and things didn't go their way, they didn't make the connection at Frankfurt. The other teams took flights via Paris.

In KL, they had to do some tasks. In Detour, they had to choose between Artistic Expression or Cookie Confection. In Road-Block, they had to do a part-time job by biking and collecting old newspaper until 8 hands high. Btw, on the race, Dustin&Kandice used their yield power against Eric&Danielle. The final result: Dustin&Kandice (1), Charla&Mirna (2), Eric&Danielle (3), Oswald&Danny (4), and Uchenna&Joyce (5 >> ELIMINATED because of the flight, they won the seventh season, but got eliminated this time).


Rabu ini, sekali lagi, adalah hari kuliah yang biasa buat saya. Kuliah pertama mulai jam 9 pagi dan selesai jam 10.30 pagi. Trus, aku sama temen2ku makan siang di Kantin FISIP (hmm, sebenere aku ga makan sih, soale masih kenyang, kan baru aja makan pagi jam 8.55 sebelumnya). Habis itu, kita pergi ke kosku untuk belajar ngerjain beberapa tugas. Aku mengerjakan tugas lay-out buat BTS minggu ini. Tapi akhirnya, ya tetep aja main kartu, wakakakakaka... lol

Jam 3 sore, kita jalan ke kampus untuk mengikuti kuliah kedua, Kalkulus Dua. Ternyata, ada KUIS!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH..... . Ada 4 pertanyaan, dan kayake sih pertanyaan pertama bisa lah. Nah, pertanyaan kedua tuh sebenere gampang (pake aturan rantai (turunan implisit)), nah masalahnya, pertamanya aku berpikir terlalu rumit!! Aku membuang2 waktu berhargaku 30 menit untuk menyelesaikannya tapi akhirnya ga dapet apa-apa. Hmm, prosesku ga salah si sebenernya, cuma terlalu rumit dan panjang aja. Tapi baru 5 menit terakhir aku menyadari cara tersingkat dan mudah untuk menyelesaikannya!! Arrggghhh... .

Ibaratnya sih kaya kalo aku mau pergi ke Jakarta dari Bandung dimana aku kan sebenere tinggal lewat jalan tol aja buat nyampe di Jakarta cepet dan gampang, tapi tadi aku malah mengambil jalan lain ke Cirebon dulu trus malah kesasar disana!! Arrrgggghhhh.... . Untungnya, proses panjangku ga sepenuhnya sia-sia sih, soale secara ga langsung juga udah nyelesaiin setengah pertanyaan ketiga dan aku cuma perlu ngecek dan ngeganti beberapa hal. Tapi karena aku membuang2 waktu TERLALU banyak, aku jadi ga ada waktu biat memikirkan pertanyaan terakhir!! Arrrgggghhhhh....

Ah, udahlah!!

Btw, Senin kemarin aku nonton babak kesembilan dari The Amazing Race 11. Semua 5 tim meninggalkan Polandia dan pergi ke Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Charla&Mirna pinter banget nyusun jadwal pesawat dan mereka sampai duluan deh di KL (via Warsawa dan Vienna), kebalikannya, Uchenna&Joyce ngambil penerbangan yang beresiko dan nasibnya malang, mereka gabisa naik penerbangan lanjutan di Frankfurt. Tim lainnya ngambil penerbangan via Paris.

Di KL, mereka harus melakukan beberapa tugas. Di Detour, mereka harus memilih diantara Artistic Expression atau Cookie Confection. Di Road-Block, mereka harus melakukan pekerjaan part-time dengan naik sepeda dan ngumpulin koran bekas 8 jengkal tingginya. Btw, dalam pertandingan, Dustin&Kandice menggunakan kekuatan yield mereka melawan Eric&Danielle. Hasil akhirnya: Dustin&Kandice (1), Charla&Mirna (2), Eric&Danielle (3), Oswald and Danny (4), dan Uchenna&Joyce (5 >> TERELIMINASI karena penerbangan yang tadi, mereka memenangkan musim ketujuh, tapi tereliminasi kali ini).

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