Tuesday, February 27, 2007

#296 - My Sunday Story and TAR11


Last Sunday, my friends and I went to Paris van Java Mall to watch a movie. Well, probably as we all know and feel, these months, there have been so dry of good and interesting movie(s). But my friend one day got an info about a semi-documenter movie titled "A Long Road to Heaven" and according the the source, twas a good movie. Okay, so we decided to watch it...

Okay, so at 2.30 PM, we went to Paris van Java. Once we arrived, Paris van Java was SOOO crowded and full of people!!! Okay, after finally found a parking space, we went to Blitz Megaplex and bought the tickets of "Long Road to Heaven". After buying some drinks and snack at the hypermarket, we then watched the movie... :) Well, the film "Long Road to Heaven" was apparently inspired by the tragedy of bombing event in Bali 4.5 years ago. FYI, this film is prohibited to be played in the province of Bali since for many Balinese, this film can potentially remind them to the traumatizing tragedy several years ago just in time they are in a recovery right now.

Well, the film was okay with a skipping plot. It can be boring (since it's a semi-documenter film), but for me, since it's telling us about Bali which is pretty close to me, well, it's not that boring. However, for me, there was one silly or stupid part in the film, when Mukhlas said why he targeted Bali as the next "place". He said that he targeted Bali because when he was in a hotel in Thailand and wanted to enter the elevator, there was a white guy didn't seem to have him on the same lift as he was since Mukhlas was wearing an Islamic Suit, so he pushed the "close" button, and that guy was wearing a t-shirt with the words: "I LOVE BALI" on it (and he added, if he was wearing an "I LOVE PHUKET" or "I LOVE PATTAYA" t-shirt, probably the next target wouldn't be Bali but Phuket or Pattaya). My comment was just like: "What???".

Then, after having dinner, we went back home.

Btw, last Sunday I watched the first episode of The Amazing Race All-Stars. All 11 teams left Miami, FLorida to Quito, Ecuador. There, Rob&Amber were the first team to arrive at the pitstop and John Vito&Jill were the first team to be eliminated. On Monday, I watched the second episode of TAR All-Stars. All teams left Ecuador and went to Chile. Rob&Amber once again were the first team to arrive at the pitstop, and Kevin&Drew were the second team to be eliminated.

Btw, after watching 2 episodes, I think Rob&Amber so far were the most competitive and strong team!! Hmm, it's not a wrong move for the producers to pick them as one of the all-stars team!! They really brought the spices up on the show. Who are my fave teams right now?? Well, I have three most fave teams, and one fave team. My three most fave teams: Charla&Mirna, Rob&Amber, and Dustin and Kandice. My fave team: Uchenna&Joyce. Charla&Mirna are just so lovable... :) And Charla stated a great statement last episode about their (Charla&Mirna) feeling about the beauty queens (Dustin&Kandice): "Beauty Is Sometimes Skin Deep, it's easy to make you look physically pretty through a plastic surgery, but a beautiful heart is just something that is hard to make up". Well, in the end, my most most fave team is Charla&Mirna, he3... :)

::: John Vito&Jill (left) and Kevin&Drew (right), the first and second team to be eliminated


Minggu kemarin, temen-temenku dah aku pergi ke Paris van Java Mall untuk nonton film. Hmm, mungkin seperti yang sudah semua tahu dan rasakan, akhir-akhir ini tuh sarat akan film-film bagus dan menarik. Tapi temenku dapet info tentang film semi dokumenter yang berjudul "A Long Road to Heaven" dan berdasarkan sumbernya, katanya sih bagus. Ya udah, kita mutusin untuk nonton tuh film deh...

Okay, jadi jam 2.30 siang kita ke Paris van Jaba. Begitu nyampe, ternyata Paris van Java-nya tuh ramee banget dan penuh akan manusia!!! Oke, habis akhirnya menemukan tenpat parkir, kira pergi ke Blitz Megaplex dulu untuk beli tiket film "Long Road to Heaven". Habis beli minuman dan snack, kita trus nonton filmnya deh... :) Hmm, film "Long Road to Heaven" ternyata terinspirasi oleh tragedi Bom Bali 4,5 tahun yang lalu. FYI, film ini dilarang loh diputer di seluruh propinsi Bali soalnya untuk banyak orang Bali, film ini bisa potensial untuk mengingatkan mereka akan kejadian yang bikin trauma beberapa tahun yang lalu pada saat mereka sedang berusaha untuk pulih saat ini.

Hmm, filmnya oke sih, dengan alur yang lompat-lompat. Bisa jadi membosankan loh (soale kan filmnya semi dokumenter), tapi untuk aku, karena menyeritakan tentang Bali yang lumayan deket kan sama aku, jadi ya nggak semembosankan itu la. Tetapi, untuk aku ada satu bagian konyol atau bodoh loh dalam film ini. Yaitu saat Mukhlas mengatakan kenapa dia menarget Bali sebagai sasaran selanjutnya untuk dibom. Katanya, waktu dia di sebuah hotel di Thailand dan dia mau naik lift, ada seorang bule yang kayanya nggak kepingin satu lift sama dia soalnya dia memakai jubah Islami, jadi dia menekan tombol "tutup", dan laki-laki itu memakai kaus bertuliskan "I LOVE BALI" (trus dia menambahkan, kalo dia pake kaus bertuliskan "I LOVE PHUKET" atau "I LOVE PATTAYA", mungkin target selanjutnya bukanlah Bali namun bisa jadi Phuket atau Pattaya). Komentarku waktu itu: "Hah???"

Trus, habis makan malem, kita balik deh.

Btw, kemarin Minggu aku juga nonton episode pertama dari The Amazing Race All-Stars loh. Semua 11 team meninggalkan Miami, Florida menuju Quito, Ekuador. Disana, Rob&Amber adalah tim pertama yang sampai di pitstop dan John Vito&Jill adalah tim pertama yang tereliminasi. Di hari Senin, aku nonton episode kedua dari TAR All-Stars. Semua tim meninggalkan Ekuador dan pergi ke Chili. Rob&Amber sekali lagi adalah tim pertama yang memenangkan pertandingan dan Kevin&Drew adalah tim kedua yang tereliminasi.

Btw, habis nonton 2 episode, aku rasa sejauh ini Rob&Amber adalah tim yang paling kompetitif dan kuat!! Hmm, bukanlah langkah yang salah deh buat produsernya memilih mereka sebagai satu dar all-stars team. Mereka benar-benar membawa bumbu dalam acara ini. Siapakah favoritku saat ini?? Yah, aku ada 3 tim paling favorit dan 1 tim favorit. Tiga tim paling favoritku adalah: Charla&Mirna, Rob&Amber, dan Dustin and Kandice. Tim favoritku: Uchenna&Joyce. Charla&Mirna tuh bener-bener menarik loh... :) Dan Charla kemarin ngeluarin pernyataan yang bagus loh tentang perasaan mereka (Charla&Mirna) akan Beauty-Queens (Dustin&Kandice): "Kecantikan itu kadang-kadang tidak hanya sebatas kulit, mudah untuk membuat kamu keliatan cantik secara fisik dengan operasi plastik, namun hati yang cantik tidaklah semudah itu untuk di-make up". Hmm, pada akhirnya, tim paling paling favorit saya adalah Charla&Mirna, he3... :)

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