Sunday, November 12, 2006

#238 - Saturday the Eleventh


Hi all, as you can read
here last week, Saturday is one of my busiest day of the week, and so was yesterday. Yesterday morning I got up at 6.12 AM, then did my routinities including going to my campus at 6.55 AM. My first lecture started at 7 AM, and finished at 8.45 AM. At 9 AM, my second lecture started, there was no lecture apparently, but a pop-quiz!! Arrrggggghhh.... . But then at 9.40 AM, after finishing doing my work, I left the class, and since I still had 75 minutes to 11 AM, I went to the net cafe first. At 11 AM, I went back to my campus and had my last lecture of the week. After that, I went to my friend's boarding house to do our statistics homework. At 3 PM, we finished doing that stuff, and finally I could take a nap.

Since my car has been available, I didn't have to spend my weekend just by walking around my boarding house. At 6 PM, my friend and I (finally) went to Bandung Supermal (BSM). Weekend in Bandung is actually not a comfortable time to go around since so many people from Jakarta go to Bandung at weekend, and so was yesterday night. It took about 50 minutes from my boarding house to go to Bandung Supermal. At almost 7 PM, we arrived at BSM and directly went to the food court and had dinner. After walking around the mall and buying some snacks at the supermarket, we went to the "Snow World", at the parking lot of BSM. The ticket was Rp. 40,000.oo (about $4.44). You know what?? For me, it was pretty disappointing. I still prefer the Ice World which I have been in Malaysia, Bangkok, and Shen-Zhen (China). I knew I couldn't expect I would see any "snow" there, but I could expect for a greater place. Yep, it was good actually, but not that "great". They weren't supposed to call that "Snow World" but "Ice World". But that's okay.... . I post some of its pics below.... :)

Note: now I'm in a cafe and using its hotspot service, he3.... :) It's my second time cruising the net with my lapty, the first one was
this time. >> cruising the net with hotspot feature is a lot cozier than going to the net cafe... :) I think I'm getting indulged with this service. Btw, now I have installed Lime Wire and Firefox 2.0 to my lapty.

::: The "Snow World" gate

::: Ice Slide

::: Frozen Chinese Temple

::: Ice Dragon

::: This was what happened to my glasses just seconds after leavin' the "Ice Room"


Hallo semua, seperti yang bisa dibaca
disini minggu lalu, Sabtu adalah salah satu hari tersibuk buat saya, dan begitu juga Sabtu kemarin ini. Kemarin pagi aku harus bangun jam 6.12 pagi, trus melakukan rutinitasku termauk pergi ke kampus jam 6.55 pagi. Kuliah pertamaku dimulai jam 7 pagi dan selesai jam 8.45 pagi. Jam 9 pagi, kuliah keduaku dimulai, dan ternyata nggak ada kuliah sih, tapi kuis mendadak!! Arrrggggghhh.... . Tetapi kemudian jam 9.40, habis aku menyelesaikan pekerjaanku, aku meninggalkan kelasnya, dan karena aku masih punya 75 menit sebelum jam 11, makanya aku pergi ke warnet dulu deh. Jam 11 pagi, aku ke kampus lagi dan mengikuti kuliah terakhir minggu ini. Habis itu aku pergi ke kos-an temenku untuk mengerjakan PR statistik-ku. Jam 3 sore, kita selesai mengerjakan PR kami, dan akhirnya aku bisa istirahat siang deh.

Karena mobilku udah balik, aku nggak harus menghabiskan akhir mingguku dengan jalan-jalan di sekitar kos-ku. Jam 6 sore, aku sama temenku (akhirnya) kemarin pergi ke Bandung Supermal (BSM). Akhir minggu di Bandung bukanlah saat yang nyaman untuk pergi jalan-jalan soalnya banyak orang dari Jakarta yang jalan-jalan ke Bandung pada akhir pekan, begitu juga kemarin malam. Ternyata semalam membutuhkan waktu hampir 50 menit loh dari kosku ke BSM. Pas hampir jam 7 malam, kita sampai di BSm dan angsung deh pergi ke food court-nya dan makan malam disana. Habis jalan-jalan di dalam mall-nya dan beli beberapa snack di supermarketnya, kita pergi ke "Snow World" (Dunia Salju) yang terletak di tempat parkirnya BSM. Tiket masuknya tuh Rp. 40.000,oo (sekitar 4,44 USD). Tapi bagaimana?? Untuk aku, lumayan mengecewakan tuh. Aku masih memilih Dunia Es yang pernah aku kunjungi di Malaysia, Bangkok, dan Shen-Zhen (China). Aku tau sih aku nggak bisa untuk mengharapkan untuk melihat "salju" disana, tapi aku kan bisa dong mengharapkan tempat yang lebih bagus. Sebenernya bagus sih, tapi nggak se-"wah" itu deh. Mereka nggak seharusnya menyebutnya "snow World" (Dunia Salju), tetapi "Ice World" (Dunia Es). Tapi nggak papa sih.... . Aku dah upload tuh beberapa fotonya di atas.... :)

Note: sekarang aku ada di sebuah cafe dan memakai fasilitas hotspotnya nih, he3.... :) Ini adalah kali kedua aku browsing pake fasilitas hotspot, yang pertama adalah
pada waktu ini. >> internetan pake hotspot tuh lebih nyaman daripada pergi ke warnet... :) Kayanya aku mulai menyukai fasilitas ini deh. Btw, sekarang aku dah install Lime Wire sama Firefox 2.0 loh ke laptopku.

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