Friday, September 01, 2006

#199 - Exhausting Week


Because of OSPEK, now I feel that I'm not in my 100% condition. I am not sick, but I just feel I'm so exhausted. Beside OSPEK assignment which is very very hard and almost impossible to do and also embarassing when we have to wear the attributes, we also have to do some homeworks from some lecturers.... :( I have finished and submitted first Calculus 1 Homework last Monday, but we do still have 2 more homeworks which are supposed to be finished this week (and another 2 but don't have to be finished this week) those are second Calculus 1 Homework (we have to draw "weird" graphics from some equations, or at least I, myself, have never seen those before) and Elementary Linear Algebra. Next Sunday we also have to join the second week of OSPEK program the whole day.... :( Arrrggghhh....

Btw, last night there was a barbeque party at my boarding house for the newbies so they (including me for sure) can know others better.

Btw, this week, I, again, don't have the chance to watch week 9 of
Rockstar Supernova, but I read at a mailing list, now Ryan Star is free to pursue his dream as a solo singer, sorry for Haze....

::: Ryan Star


Gara-gara OSPEK, sekarang aku ngerasa kalo aku nggak berada dalam kondisi 100%ku. Aku nggak sakit sih, tapi aku ngerasa capek banget. Di samping tugas-tugas OSPEK yang sangat-sangat sulit dan hampir mustahil untuk dikerjaan dan juga memalukan ketika harus mengenakan atribut-atributnya, kita masih harus mengerjakan beberapa PR dari dosen.... :( Aku udah menyelesaikan dan ngumpulin PR Kalkulus 1 yang pertama sih kemarin Senin, tapi kita masih punya 2 PR lain untuk diselesaikan minggu ini (dan 2 yang lainnya lagi tapi nggak harus minggu ini) yaitu PR Kalkulus 1 yang kedua (kita harus menggambar grafik "aneh" dari beberapa persamaan, yang aku blom pernah melihat sebelumnya) dan Aljabar Linear Elementer. Besok Minggu masih harus ikutan hari kedua dari program OSPEK lagi seharian.... :( Arrrggghhh....

Btw, kemarin malam di kosku juga ada acara barbeque-an tuh, jadi anak-anak baru (termasuk saya tentunya) bisa tahu yang lain lebih baik.

Btw, minggu ini, lagi-lagi aku nggak punya kesempatan untuk nonton show minggu kesembilan dari
Rockstar Supernova, tapi aku baca di sebuah milis, katanya sekarang Ryan Star bebas untuk mengejar impiannya bersolo karier, turut berdukacita yah Haze....

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