Thursday, August 10, 2006

#190 - Bandung & Rockstar Week 6


Finally last Monday afternoon (at 1.30 PM) I arrived at Bandung and directly went to my boarding house. The good news is: the boarding house is comfortable and good, the bad news is: there is no internet connection nor cable tv connection there... :( I think Bandung is a nice city to live at, eventhough at some places it's dirty due to so many rubbish here.

Yesterday afternoon I went to Unpar to do the registration, and it took SO long time. Actually the process was not that long, but the queue made that so. I arrived at 7 AM, got my waiting number, and my registration was at 11 AM... :(

Well, my parents were here until this morning, so in the past 3 days I went around Bandung with my parents and we went to some malls and factory outlets (looking for some clothes for me and my brother). My parents stayed at Arion Hotel, and there I could watch cable tv, so last night I slept there and watched Star World (I wanted to watch
The Apprentice and Rockstar Supernova). This morning, I watched the live elimination round of Rockstar Supernova week 6, where Jill Gioia, Josh Logan, and Ryan Star were in the bottom three. Unpredictably, the judges eliminated Josh Logan and Jill Gioia, two candidates in one show!! And the judges also gave two Encores (for them who performed great the night before), usually they only give one. Hmm....

PS: Well, just like what I said at
this entry, because I'm still new in Bandung, so probably I won't update this blog just as often and regular as before, BUT I will still surf the net. And probably for some dasy later, I will be unable to upload pictures... :(


Akhirnya hari Senin siang kemarin (jam 1.30 siang) aku sampai di Bandung dan langsung pergi ke kosku. Berita baiknya: kosnya ternyata nyaman dan bagus, berita buruknya: ternyata nggak ada koneksi internet ataupun TV kabel disana.... :( Menurutku sih Bandung adalah kota yang enak untuk ditinggali, walaupun pada beberapa tempat tuh kotor soalnya ada banyak sampah.

Kmarin siang aku pergi ke Unpar untuk melakukan pendaftaran ulang, dan ternyata memakan BANYAK sekali waktu. Sebenernya sih prosesnya nggak sepanjang itu koq, tapi antriannya yang membuatnya menjadi seperti itu. Aku sampe jam 7 pagi, mendapatkan nomer tungguku, dan ternyata baru bisa registrasi jam 11 pagi... :(

Orangtuaku disini sampai pagi tadi, jadi dalam 3 hari belakangan ini aku keliling-keliling Bandung sama orangtuaku dan kita pergi ke beberapa mall dan factory outlet (mncari beberapa baju untuk aku dan adikku). Orangtuaku menginap di Hotel Arion, dan disana aku bisa nonton TV Kable, makanya semalam aku numpang nginep disana nonton Star World (aku mau nonton
The Apprentice dan Rockstar Supernova). Pagi ini aku nonton show eliminasi dari Rockstar Supernova minggu keenam secara langsung dimana Jill Gioia, Josh Logan, dan Ryan Star masuk posisi 3 terendah. Nggak diduga sebelumnya, jurinya mengeliminasi Josh Logan dan Jill Gioia, dua kandidat dalam satu show!! Dan yang mendapatkan Encore (yg penampilan sebelumnya menarik perhatian juri) juga ada 2, biasanya satu!! Hmm....

PS: Seperti yg sudah aku tulis di
postingan ini, karena aku masih baru di Bandung, makanya kemungkinan aku nggak bisa mengupdate blog ini sesering dan seteratur biasanya, TAPI aku akan tetep main internet koq. Dn mungkin dalam beberapa hari ke depan, aku masih belum bisa mengupload beberapa gambar... :(

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