Saturday, July 29, 2006

#184 - A Friday (28/07) Story


Well, the title this time sounds looks a lot similar with
this entry's title, isn't it?? :)

Two days ago my mother asked me whether I wanted or not to accompany her and my grandma to go to Ambarrukmo Plaza, and I agreed. So, yesterday afternoon, at about 1 PM, after picking up my brother at his school, we three went to Plaza Ambarrukmo (actually we also wanted to ask my brother to join us, but he had already made another appointment with his friend to watch a movie (at Ambarrukmo Plaza too actually)).

After parking my car near the entrance door, we went to Carrefour, and we bought MANY things (you can imagine how MANY those were by seeing the pic below). We spent almost 1 hour inside Carrefour, and after leaving all the things inside my car, we walked around Ambarrukmo Plaza then had meal at Qua-Li. As
Haze's request at this entry, I ordered some other menus at Qua-Li, and I also took the pics. After that, we went back home...

Talking about the top 4 Indonesian Idol season 3 last night, I was disappointed by the performances of the top 4 contestants. For me, Dirly and Gea were the best two last night, BUT I think Gea's performances (each contestant sang 2 songs) were still not her best performances during this whole season. And yes, Dirly and Gea were the top 2 last night which means Nobo and Ihsan were in the bottom two, and sadly, Nobo was voted off last night. Nobo was in his worst condition last night (his performances were probably his worst ever). I think, from this top 3, the top 2 will be Gea and Dirly (actually, to be honest, I used to think the top 3 would be Gea, Maria, and Nobo >> I actually never like Nobo's voice, but because so many people seem to love his voice, I thought he would be in the top 3; but Maria and Nobo have been voted off... :( ).

::: Things we bought at Carrefour

::: Petai Seasoning Fried Rice

::: Mayonaisse Lumpia and Black Pepper Beef + Rice

::: Bottom two this week


Hmm, judul kali ini kedengarannya kelihatannya sangat mirip dengan judul dari
postingan ini. Iya kan?? :)

Dua hari yang lalu aku mamaku tanya ke aku mau nggak aku menemani dia dan nenekku pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo, dan aku setuju. Jadi, kemarin siang, sekitar jam 1 siang, habis menjemput adikku dari sekolah, kita bertiga pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo (sebenernya sih kita juga mau mengajak adikku ikut, tapi dia udah buat janji sama temennya buat nonton film (di Plaza Ambarrukmo juga sih sebenernya)).

Setelah memarkir mobilku di dekat pintu masuk, kita pergi ke Carrefour, dan kita beli BANYAK barang (bisa dibayangin deh seberapa BANYAK itu dengan melihat gambar di atas). Kita menghabiskan sekitar hampir 1 jam di Carrefour, dan setelah meninggalkan semua barang belanjaannya di dalam mobil, kita jalan-jalan di Plaza Ambarrukmo trus makan di Qua-Li. Sesuai dengan permintaan dari Haze di postingan ini, aku memesan beberapa menu lain di Qua-Li, dan juga ngambil gambarnya. Habis itu, pulang deh ke rumah...

Ngomong-ngomong tentang show 4 besar Indonesian Idol musim 3 semalam, aku sangat kecewa dengan penampilan konetstan 4 besarnya. Untuk aku, Dirly dan Gea adalah yang terbaik semalam, TETAPI aku masih merasa kalo penampilannya Gea (setiap kontestan menyanyikan 2 lagu) bukanlah penampilannya yang terbaik sepanjang musim ini. Dan bener aja, Dirly dan Gea adalah dua teratas semalam yang berarti Nobo dan Ihsan berada di dua terendah, dah sayangnya, Nobo tersisih semalam. Nobo berada dalam kondisi terburuknya semalam (penampilannya mungkin malah yang terburuk dari dia selama ini). Aku rasa, dari 3 besar kali ini, 2 teratasnya bakalan Dirly dan Gea (sebenernya, jujur aja nih, aku dulu berpikir kalo 3 besarnya bakalan Gea, Maria, dan Nobo >> aku sebenernya nggak suka sih sama suaranya Nobo, tapi kayaknya banyak yang suka, makanya aku kira dia bakalan di 3 besar; tapi Maria dan Nobo sudah tersisih... :( ).

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