Saturday, June 03, 2006

Spectacular Show Indonesian Idol 3 + Earthquake


Last Friday night, I watched the first spectacular show of Indonesian Idol season 3. The theme this week was Platinum 12 (each contestant sang one song which was inside an album that got platinum award (more than 150,000 copies)). My personal thought on last night performance:

o1 - Ihsan : not his best performance, he could do it a lot better. Score: 6
02 - Maria : pretty good in singing her song even if this song is actually out of her field. Score: 7.8
03 - Dirly : not as bad as some weeks ago, I (or we) could see improvement, however it's still not as good as the other contestants. Score: 5.2
04 - Depe : she has a powerful voice, she was great singing that song (Rahasia Perempuan) even if that song is actually boys' song. Score: 8
05 - Lee : pretty good, but not superb or very bad. I classify his performance as mediocre. Score: 7
06 - Brinet : not very good but also not very bad. She was better than 2 weeks ago when she got voted off from the show. Score: 6.7
07 - Sisi : again, another good performance. She does deserve to be in the top 12. Score: 7.8
08 - Ilham : I don't know why but this week he was so boring, not very special. Score: 4.5
09 - Christy : another great voice, but she was still stiff (probably because she was nervous singing on a bigger stage). Score: 8
10 - Nobo : good choice of song, really suited him. Score: 7.8
11 - Gea : nice performance. Gea doesn't have the best voice, but she is definitely an entertainer. Score: 7.5
12 - Tesa : another boring performance (his style was okay, but his voice was not as good as his style and dance), I don't know why the judges praised him. Score: 5

So, in my opinion, the bottom three should be:
10. Dirly
11. Tesa
12. Ilham >> voted off

However, Indonesia decided the bottom three were:
10. Gea
11. Nobo
12. Depe >> voted off

Well, I don't know why but the voting result last night really shocked me. The bottom three were all good and three of the best contestants this season, and we had to lose Depe last night. Actually I had predicted that probably Depe would be like Mandisa in American Idol season 5. Both of them have great and powerful voice, however, their physical appearance are not good-looking and because of that, both of them can't stay long on that stage. What happened last night?? >> actually I just voted for Maria, lol... :D

Last night when I watched the result show of Indonesian Idol, there was another earthquake shook Jogjakarta, not very big, but it was pretty long, about 5 seconds. Then, this morning (4 AM), another earthquake shook Jogjakarta again. So, I moved from my room (upstair) to the living room (downstair, near the door) and slept there... :( I couldn't sleep well..... :(

PS: again, this is an interlude message between the Bali Vacation Trilogy... :)

::: Bottom three this week


Jumat malam kemarin, aku nonton Spektakuler Show pertama dari Indonesian Idol musim ketiga. Tema minggu ini adalah Platinum 12 (setiap kontestan akan menyanyikan satu lagu yang terdapat dalam album yang mendapatkah penghargaan platinum (lebih dari 150.000 kopi)). Pendapatku pribadi tentang show semalam:

o1 - Ihsan : Bukan penampilannya yang terbaik, dia bisa melakukannya dengan lebih bagus lagi. Score: 6
02 - Maria : lumayan bagus waktu menyanyikan lagunya walaupun sebenernya tuh lagu bukan elemennya. Score: 7.8
03 - Dirly : nggak sejelek beberapa minggu yang lalu sih. Aku (atau kita) dapat melihat peningkatan, tetapi bagaimanapun juga masih belum sebagus kontestan lainnya. Score: 5.2
04 - Depe : dia punya suara yang kuat, dan sangat bagus dalam menyanyikan lagunya (Rahasia Perempuan) walaupun sebenernya itu adalah lagu laki-laki. Score: 8
05 - Lee : lumayan bagus sih, cuma nggak bagus-bagus amat atau jelek-jelek amat. Aku mengklasifikasikannya sebagai biasa-biasa saja. Score: 7
06 - Brinet : nggak bagus-bagus amat atau jelek-jelek amat. Tapi dia nyanyinya lebih bagus daripada 2 minggu lalu waktu dia tereliminasi. Score: 6.7
07 - Sisi : sekali lagi, penampilan yang bagus. Dia berhak koq berada di 12 besar. Score: 7.8
08 - Ilham : Aku nggak tahu kenapa cuma minggu ini dia membosankan banget, nggak terlalu spesial. Score: 4.5
09 - Christy : suara yang bagus lagi, cuma dia masih kaku (mungkin gara-gara dia cemas soalnya kan ini adalah penampilannya yang pertama di panggung besar). Score: 8
10 - Nobo : pilihan lagu yang bagus, bener-bener cocok sama dia. Score: 7.8
11 - Gea
: penampilan yang bagus. Gea nggak punya suara yang terbaik dalam show ini, tapi jelas dia adalah seorang entertainer. Score: 7.5
12 - Tesa : penampilan yang membosankan (gayanya sih oke, tapi suaranya nggak seoke gaya sama tariannya). Aku nggak tahu kenapa koq jurinya memuji dia. Score: 5

Jadi, menurutku pendapatku, 3 terbawah seharusnya:
10. Dirly
11. Tesa
12. Ilham >> tersisih

Bagaimanapun juga, Indonesia memutuskan bahwa 3 terbawahnya:
10. Gea
11. Nobo
12. Depe >> tersisih

Hmm, aku nggak tahu kenapa tapi hasil polling semalam bener-bener mengejutkan aku. Tiga terbawahnya semuanya bagus-bagus dan merupakan 3 dari kontestan terbaik musim ini, dan kita harus kehilangan Depe semalam. Sebenernya aku sudah memrpediksikan juga sih kalo mungkin nasibnya Depe bakalan mirip sama Mandisa di American Idol musim kelima. Keduanya memiliki suara yang bagus dan kuat, cuma sayangnya penampilan fisik mereka nggak mendukung, dan karena itu keduanya nggak bisa bertahan lama di panggung. Apa sih yg sebenernya terjadi semalem?? >> sebenernya aku cuma dukung Maria sih, lol...

Tadi malem waktu aku nonton result shownya Indonesian Idol, ada satu lagi gempa yang mengguncangkan Jogjakarta, nggak besar-besar amat sih, tapi berlangsung lumayan lama, sekitar 5 detik. Trus pagi ini (jam 4 pagi) ada gempa lain yang mengguncang Yogyakarta. Aku terpaksa pindah dari kamarku (di atas) ke ruang keluarga (di bawah, deket sama pintu) dan tidur disana... :( Aku nggak bisa tidur dengan nyenyak deh... :(

PS: sekali lagi, ini adalah message selingan di antara trilogi Liburan di Bali... :)

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