Monday, April 17, 2006

WeekEnd + Monday


Last weekend, I was pretty 'busy'. At 11.30 AM I had to hand in my final practical examination paper for religion. So, at 11.30 AM I picked up my friends, then went to school (yep, I went to school at Holiday... :P), and handed in my paper. Then, we went to Plaza Ambarrukmo (because PA is pretty close to my school) until 1.15 PM. After that, we wanted to have lunch, but unfortunately because it was weekend plus holiday, Yogyakarta were pretty crowded and every single restaurant was full of cars or buses. Finally we found Kiko Japanese Restaurant and ate there (because it was not that full).

Because I still had one free voucher for karyoke (and I just felt guilty if I didn't use it), I picked up one more friend and went to the karyoke centre. Unfortunately, we weren't careful reading the voucher, we couldn't use that voucher on weekend!! Well, because we had already arrived there, we then still booked a room. Because it was still afternoon, we still got the cheapest fee. At 5.30 PM we finished (and got one more free-ticket) and then we had dinner at KFC (we were rushing). Then, we went back home.

This morning, I had my first final practical examination for sport. We had to run around the football field for 12 minutes. Well, I hadn't had exercise for several weeks, therefore I was not in my best condition... :(. After that, we had to do underring for basketball. What!?!?!? We were still exhausted (especially for us, who were the second group to run >> we were divided into 2 groups, and I was in the second group) and we had to do that!?!? But I think I did pretty good at that... :) Then, at 10 AM, 3 of my friends and I had the final practical examination for religion. We had to do a preach. Well, I did pretty good at this and got 8.35 for my temporary score (we still have one more element which we still don't know our score yet).

::: Two free-voucher which are still in my hand


Akhir minggu yang kemarin, aku lumayan 'sibuk'. Jam 11.30 siang aku harus ngumpulin teks untuk ujian akhir pendidikan religiositas-ku. Jadi, jam 11.30 siang aku jemput temenku trus pergi ke sekolah ( (yup, aku pergi ke sekolah pas liburan... :), dan ngumpulin tugasku. Trus, kita pergi ke Plaza Ambarrukmo (soalnya PA kan lumayuan deket tuh dari sekolahku) sampe jam 1.15 siang. Habis itu kita mau makan siang, tapi sayangnya gara-gara kemarin tuh akhir minggu dan musim liburan, Yogyakarta lumayan rame dan setiap restoran tuh penuh oleh mobil dan bus. Akhirnya kita menemukan Rumah Makan Jepang Kiko dan makan di sana (soalnya ndak rame-rame amat).

Karena aku masih punya satu voucher gratis untuk karaoke (dan aku merasa bersalah kalo ndak pake tuh voucher), aku jemput satu temenku lagi trus pergi ke tempat karaokenya. Sayangnya, kita ndak teliti baca vouchernya yang ternyata nggak bisa dipake selama weekend!! Yah, karena kita dah terlanjur sampe disana, ya kita tetep pesen satu ruangan. Karena masih siang, jadi kita masih dapat harga yang paling murah. Jam 5.30 kita selesai (dan mendapatkan satu voucher gratis lagi) trus kita makan malem di KFC (kita agak terburu-buru sih). Trus, kita pulang.

Pagi ini, aku menghadapi ujian praktek olahraga yang pertama. Kita mesti lari mengelilingi lapangan bola selama 12 menit. Karena aku dah nggak latihan selama beberapa minggu, makanya aku ndak di kondisi terbaikku... :(. Habis itu, kita mesti ngelakuin underring untuk mata pelajaran basket. Apa!?!?!?! Kita masih capek (khususnya kami, yang merupakan grup kedua untuk lari >> kita dibagi menjadi 2 grup, dan aku di grup kedua yg lari belakangan) dan kita mesti ngelakuin itu!?!? Tapi kayaknya sih aku lumayan koq disitu.. :). Trus jam 10 pagi, 3 dari temenku dan aku ada ujian akhir untuk pendidikan religiositas. Kita mesti ngelakuin khotbah. Kayaknya sih aku lumayan di ujian ini dan mendapat nilai 8.35 untuk nilai sementaraku (masih ada satu elemen lagi yang kita masih belum tahu nilai kita).

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